
When we started this blog we were not even officially Marcus and Karen. That happened a few months later, at a wedding ceremony that will always be remembers for its unity “candle” lighting amazingness. We wrote about our upcoming nuptials and after about work and life. But then life got in the way of our virtual expression and we quit writing. Instead, we bought a house, got a dog, quit a job (marcus), got pregnant, found a job, had a baby, got pregnant, bought a van, had a baby, had to say good bye forever to the dog, got pregnant, had a baby, quit a job for another really exciting opportunity (marcus), moved, sold a house. And during all of that we travelled (for missions trips – no matter whether she was pregnant or not, for vacations, and for work), watched our kids grow, built amazing friendships with people (and at times let those friendship morph as life took us to different locations), dealt with situational mental sicknesses, had six people live with our growing family (at different times for varied stays of one month to one year), used our home for hospitality to friends and strangers alike, and most of all we have survived! It has been a crazy seven years filled to the top with amazing highs and super deep lows! The end result being that what we were when we first started this site seven years ago has changed drastically, so we started a different blog (and by we, we mean karen). The content (what little there was) from this site was moved for posterity and all that jazz and now Karen will (definitely maybe) be blogging our adventures over at Kare N 4 Da, Co, St, Marc Us.

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